All the land in Ireland before the independence was owned by landlords who in most cases lived on the other side of the Irish Sea. To cash in on the land they had agents to rent it out to the inhabitants of the place. A very strange set up come to think of it. The farmers who had been born and bred on the land were subservient to absentees. Even the bunnies on the beach were not to be enjoyed. To lament this situation lots of beautiful songs were composed about 'poachers' being flogged, hung or deported to Australia.
The Polranny Pirates Foundation is a non-profit organisation that provides several work spaces on the West Coast of Ireland at cost price, to visual artists, writers, musicians, academics and other creative individuals. These are spaces for dreaming, working and generating ideas, and are available for periods of minimal 1 week up to six weeks. For two people, prices start at €17,50 p.p. per night for 8 or more nights. The same deal for one person is € 20 per night.
Interested? Check our website or email us at
Polranny Pirates is een stichting die aan de Westkust van Ierland tegen
kostprijs een huis ter beschikking stelt aan schrijvers, musici,
wetenschappers en beeldend kunstenaars. Het Polranny Huis is een
tijdelijke verblijfplaats waar men in afzondering kan mijmeren, aan het
werk gaan, ideeën genereren of tot conceptvorming komen.
Het Polranny Huis wordt aangeboden voor werkperioden van minimaal een
week tot maximaal zes weken. Prijen: € 17,50 p.p. per dag bij twee personen.
Voor een persoon die alleen komt: € 20 per dag.
Neem contact op
3 opmerkingen:
It's great to sit and watch the bunnies go about their business as the sun goes down. They are very active then.
It's their kingdown. Spirirually they own the place.
All the land in Ireland before the independence was owned by landlords who in most cases lived on the other side of the Irish Sea. To cash in on the land they had agents to rent it out to the inhabitants of the place. A very strange set up come to think of it. The farmers who had been born and bred on the land were subservient to absentees. Even the bunnies on the beach were not to be enjoyed. To lament this situation lots of beautiful songs were composed about 'poachers' being flogged, hung or deported to Australia.
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