I wonder how easy it will be to get this through customs... - Hi hi, they're bound to think it's a rocket launcher or something! By Pirate associate Margreet. Click to enlarge
The first snow of the winter has already fallen. The days are short and it is time to snuggle up to stove with a good detective! Photo by Pirate associates Margreet & Yiri
This Irish setter befriended us at Rockfleet, one of the watchtower forts belonging to Grace O'Malley, the 16th century pirate queen who defied the might of Elizabeth I of England. Photos: Annie
Trudi is a rescue dog, who belongs to our friends Jane and Al of Corraun House. I call her "Texaco Trudi" because she was handed over at a Texaco petrol station. Trudi is not only a stunning beauty but also one of the sweetest dogs around. Jane and Al still can't believe their luck. Photo: Jane
The new bridge to nearby Achill Island and the Sound has been the subject of constant gossip, rumour and controversy. Yet here it is, looking quite lovely, in a photo taken a few days ago by Pirate associate Margreet de Heer.
Pirate friend Jane writes: "By clearing out and decorating during the day and clearing up replacing furniture for the evening, we were able to redecorate the bar without having to close once."
On March 17 2003, Pirate neighbour Jane wrote: "We decided to open at lunchtime today but the bar didn't get busy until the evening. The whole place has been cleaned down ready for redecoration. We plan to start next week." Photo: Al
The Polranny Pirates Foundation is a non-profit organisation that provides several work spaces on the West Coast of Ireland at cost price, to visual artists, writers, musicians, academics and other creative individuals. These are spaces for dreaming, working and generating ideas, and are available for periods of minimal 1 week up to six weeks. For two people, prices start at €17,50 p.p. per night for 8 or more nights. The same deal for one person is € 20 per night.
Interested? Check our website or email us at info@polrannypirates.nl
Polranny Pirates is een stichting die aan de Westkust van Ierland tegen
kostprijs een huis ter beschikking stelt aan schrijvers, musici,
wetenschappers en beeldend kunstenaars. Het Polranny Huis is een
tijdelijke verblijfplaats waar men in afzondering kan mijmeren, aan het
werk gaan, ideeën genereren of tot conceptvorming komen.
Het Polranny Huis wordt aangeboden voor werkperioden van minimaal een
week tot maximaal zes weken. Prijen: € 17,50 p.p. per dag bij twee personen.
Voor een persoon die alleen komt: € 20 per dag.
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