zaterdag 1 december 2012


Armed with a flag staff, this young pilgrim has spent many painful hours clambering up the Croagh Patrick, the local holy mountain, on his bare feet. At the summit, he paused long enough to have his picture taken by photographer Ineke Oostveen, who was staying at Polranny at the time.

Photo: Ineke Oostveen

2 opmerkingen:

Polranny Pirate zei

Saint Patrick was spending 40 days on top of this mountain overlooking Clew Bay. At the time the mountain was dedicated to a Celtic Goddess. After his vigil he came down and convinced the congregation of the Kings of Ireland at Tara to convert to Christianity.
It is said that Saint Patrick banned the snakes from Ireland. He did break the supremacy of the Celtic Goddesses relegating them to the realm of Saints as in Saint Bridget.

Annie Wright zei

Great info, Peti!