zaterdag 25 april 2009

The Next Day in Polranny

While Michel goes for a run and Bas collects the wood, Laura and Mark go for a walk: "We walk behind the house to the sea and back again. Peat, peat and more peat. We don't dare to leave the path, fearing it will be boggy. Spotting a meadow with sheep, I call them and they come trotting towards us. At the shore there's a ship caught in the mud. On a path between two large gorse bushes Laura smells something that's vaguely like a mixture of Bailey's and coconut. Here and there are deserted houses made of large bricks. Some look like they can be rebuilt without too much effort, but others are hopeless ruins. There are almost as many large, newly-constructed houses and estates. In twenty years time this place will be filled with expensive property. Ireland is quickly becoming rich. We buy our groceries and return at around five o'clock."
Photo: Mark,

4 opmerkingen:

Profoundly Superficial zei

First days are always an adventure. LOVE the gorse smelling of Bailey's and coconut!

Laura zei

... and a tiny little hint of flowersoap.

Margreet zei

I love your photos and writings - just took a look at, a fascinating site! Did Polranny rekindle your interest in geofiction now?

Mark zei

Thank you for your compliment, Margreet. Visiting another country (doing something, anything that's not a habit) is always good for inspiration, I feel!