zaterdag 31 januari 2009

Corraun Diary (9); Preparing the Photo Show

Back in May 2003 Jane, our friend and neighbour from the Currane Peninsula, wrote: 'There's a festival being planned in Currane and my part in it is to help arrange the photographic exhibition. I'm gathering together as many photographs of life here across the years as I can. This picture, taken in the early 1970's, is by no means one of the oldest images. It's important to me though because it shows me (on the right), together with my little brother, our grandparents, Cap the dog and shows us during haymaking. I have very happy memories of those holidays here. Images can be found on:'
Photo: EJJ. Psaila (Jane's dad)

woensdag 28 januari 2009

Clare Island

Polranny is the place where you get away from your normal life, relax and concentrate on your work as an artist, writer, musician or academic. Pirate Peti made this beautiful drawing of nearby Clare Island, as seen from Clew Bay.

zaterdag 24 januari 2009

Lest We Forget

A mural of Bloody Sunday by the Bogside Artists in Derry, a city that's well worth a visit.
Photo: Annie

woensdag 21 januari 2009

Enjoying the weather

Polranny visitors Astrid and Floortje enjoying the delights of an Irish summer.
Photo: Annie

zondag 18 januari 2009

A Meaty Business

McGreal's: the butchers where carnivorous Pirates score their prime cuts in nearby Achill Sound.
Photo: Carolien

vrijdag 16 januari 2009

Votive Tree

Cuddly toys and socks amongst the rosaries hung on a votive tree at Tobernalt Holy Well near Sligo Town.
Photo: Annie

woensdag 14 januari 2009

Corraun Diary (8); Mhikie's Photo at the George

In spring 2003 Pirate friend Jane wrote: "This picture of Mhikie Gallagher was taken in the 1970's. For a long time it had pride of place on the walls here, along with other pictures of locals. I have managed to get hold of the photographic negatives and plan to reinstate this and other pictures in the newly decorated bar."

maandag 12 januari 2009

A Steamy Christmas Crib

Mary, Jesus and Joseph spotted by Pirate photographers Margreet and Yiri.

zaterdag 10 januari 2009

All Things Sweeney

The car park between Sweeney's Supermarket, Sweeney's Hardware and Sweeney's Gift Shop in Achill Sound. Pretty much the centre of the universe in this neck of the woods.
Photo: Margreet and Yiri

vrijdag 9 januari 2009

Twilight in Donegal

A wondrous experience as evening falls...
Photo: Annie

woensdag 7 januari 2009

Early Morning View

As seen from the big bedroom...
Photo: Annie

zaterdag 3 januari 2009

Irish Nature

Come here, little foxy, foxy, foxy!!

By Pirate associate Margreet. Click to enlarge

donderdag 1 januari 2009

HAPPY 2009!

The Pirates and their associates and friends love celebrations. And what better way than to work together on a painting of our headquarters amidst their wondrous landscape. This beautiful gift to the house will be awaiting our visitors, both Pirate and otherwise.
Photos: Margreet and Yiri